
No Mind Meditative therapy

Date: 04-12-2021

Contribution Fee: 5000 BDT

A Scientific Process to Clear Your Mind

We are the most stressed beings to have ever evolved on the planet.

We identify ourselves with the constant chattering of the mind, and we take it as our natural state. While we take care of cleanliness around us, how much attention do we pay to cleaning our own mind?

No-Mind is a transformational meditative therapy, scientifically designed for the modern man to re-connect with our natural state of being. This engaging and exciting method supports us to move beyond our adopted boundaries of expression and socially conditioned behavior, to experience a state beyond mind by releasing long suppressed energies like anger, fear, rage, anxiety, sadness and frustration from the unconscious. It is a thorough process to break old, ingrained patterns in the body-mind and become more alive and experience the lightness of our existence.

To be in the mind is to be out of yourself.

To be out of the mind is to be in your own being.

Join us on this journey of travelling inwards.


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